The second phase focuses on helping individuals understand the grief process and learn about codependency. It aims to equip participants with knowledge to navigate their emotions and relationships during times of change.
Help participants move from intense grief to gradual healing.
Address codependency patterns.
Encourage small steps toward rebuilding their lives.
Education - Discuss grief stages, coping mechanisms, and resilience.
Self-Reflection - Encourage participants to explore their routines and identify areas for positive change.
Shift Focus - Guide them away from constant sorrow toward small, manageable activities.
Normalize Progress - Remind participants that healing is gradual and nonlinear.
After at least 5 weeks in Support and having shared their story and ready to move beyond, it is time for them to deal with issues like guilt, denial, rejection, and shame. Some participants may have some experience with 12-step work from other anonymous support groups, and that experience lends itself well into this class. This is a place where participants are expected to discuss life issues that we can all relate to, whether or not we have been divorced, widowed, or separated.
Class Topics:
The Stages of Grief with a Focus on Denial
The Stages of Grief with a Focus on Anger and Fear
Shame and Vulnerability
Coping Strategies