Silence and Listening

As in music, the power of a person’s speech is felt in the quiet spaces between their words. It is also felt in their inflections, facial expressions, and body language. Wisdom is in the silence. We are honored to have participants share their stories with us. This sharing is a gift. Our gift i return is our deep listening.

It is also, when a person is finished, to give that person some time in case they have something to add. This “something added” at the end may well be what they have really wanted to say all along. After a few moments, if you feel they are truly finished and you have had a chance to take in what they offered, feel free to ask an open and honest question of to just say “thank you”.

When we are fully and deeply listening, we will not be making assumptions, reflecting on what we will say in response or anything else. We will pay attention with our deepest self.

It is in the listening and in the silence that we learn. If you find your mind wandering, being impatient to speak yourself, or distracted by something else in the room or on your mind, notice it and then return to listening. Being able to really say what you feel and know that you are heard are two of the very basics of a healthy relationship and of this program.

We are here to build awareness and trust. We are also learning to be honest with each other. When one of us, or all of us, notice the some of us or all of us are way off topic, talking about someone not in the room, or talking too much, please address it. We all know about the “dripping faucet in our heads”. We don’t want any dripping faucets. If something is bothering you, please address it, either within the group, privately with a facilitator, or however you feel comfortable. With either option, ALWAYS remember truth and grace.