People with dependency issues think they need people as much as they need air. People are the source of their energy, strength, money -- whatever they think they need but don’t have and can’t get themselves.
Some experts say that dependent people didn’t bond with their parents when they were children, and when they grew up, they compensated by bonding with anyone they could.
But not all dependency is co-dependent. Children depend on parents and then gradually learn to depend on themselves. Most of us enjoy being needed a little. We need people, too. the difference is that when it’s healthy dependency, we love and want people more than we need them. We’d miss the people we love deeply if they left, but we’d know we could take care of ourselves. Many dependent people don’t know that. Some dependencies are legitimate; we may be disabled and unable to drive a car. We legitimately depend on other people for quality of life and ability to function.
Being Dependent and needy isn’t attractive.